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The accused was arrested on Saturday evening and he told the police that he had committed the crime, the official said. Based on the CCTV footage of the area, the police zeroed-in on the accused, who is a resident of Ahirkhedi village in Indore district, he said. She was shifted to a nearby hospital and police were informed, the official said. On hearing the girl's cries, her parents came to her rescue. The victim suffered critical injuries due to the assault and bled profusely, he said.Īlso Read | Woman in UP raped by husband, brother-in-law after 'triple talaq' The accused took the girl to the other side of the construction site and raped her. The girl was sleeping with her parents in a small hut-like structure at the site when the 32-year-old accused allegedly kidnapped her, the official said. The incident took place on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday at the site of an under-construction building in Rajendra Nagar locality where the girl's father worked as a security guard, he said. The victim, who suffered injuries due to the assault, has been admitted to a hospital and her condition is stated to be critical, Indore's Deputy Commissioner of Police Amit Tolani told reporters. A nine-year-old girl was allegedly kidnapped from a construction site and raped by a man in Madhya Pradesh's Indore city, police said on Sunday.

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